Author Archives: OctopusBi

How AI Powered Insights are Revolutionizing the Education Industry

By leveraging AI, educators can: Focus on what they do best: Spend less time managing data and more time nurturing student potential through personalized instruction and meaningful interactions. Make data-driven decisions: Gain valuable insights to personalize learning plans and interventions, … Read More

Decoding Success: Leveraging OctopusBI for Corporate LMS Analytics

  Multi-dimensional analysis: Drill down into granular details like individual learner performance, course completion rates, and content effectiveness across departments, roles, and other dimensions.   Compliance tracking: Ensure adherence to regulatory requirements and industry standards with comprehensive compliance reporting.   … Read More

Data informed instruction, supported by Artificial Intelligence, delivered right inside of the Canvas LMS – Meet Octopus BI

Introduction Welcome to the world of learning analytics, where data-driven decision-making is shaping the future of education. In this rapidly evolving educational landscape, we understand the importance of achieving improved student outcomes and overall institutional success. That’s why we’re excited … Read More

Student wellbeing - More than a pulse check

Student wellbeing: More than a pulse check

I’m pretty sure it’s not news to anyone reading that there is a student and teacher wellbeing crisis going on.  There’s been a 162% increase in serious mental health problems in teenagers since 2019 and the problem doesn’t seem to … Read More

Do you want to be effective or efficient?

Let’s talk about learning programmes and how we measure them. Effective learning and efficient learning are two important concepts to understand when trying to measure success. Effective teachers are those who can engage their students in learning and get them … Read More

Retrofit or Refresh: The Next Steps for Global Edtech

Earlier this year we hit the road travelling to the US and attending some huge events in the field – South by Southwest EDU in Austin, the California Charter Schools Conference in Long Beach, and Spring CUE in Palm Springs.  … Read More

Can Mentorship Fill the Education Gap?

Can Mentorship Fill the Education Gap?

In my last article I called 2021 the year of Resilience. We learned how to endure uncertainty, manage constant anxiety and weather repeated lockdowns. Let’s be honest – we missed out on a lot.  I’d like for 2022 to be … Read More

2021: The Year of Resilience in the Australian Education & EdTech Community

It’s been a year of growth in challenging conditions.  Our personal and collective resilience as individuals, as teams, as communities, and as industries has been tested. Our reliance on technology has evolved our expectations of flexibility, work-life balance and social … Read More

The A B C of adopting school dashboards

The A B C of adopting school dashboards

Gartner defines data-literacy as the ability to understand, share common knowledge of and have meaningful conversations about data, especially to drive better business outcomes. In the world of education, the prime goal of data literacy is to enable educators to … Read More

Learner wellbeing insights are as important as NAPLAN and ATAR

Learner wellbeing insights are as important as NAPLAN and ATAR

When I talk to customers and schools about their data projects lately, overwhelmingly they are interested in student welfare. Schools are becoming more aware of the opportunity to measure student welfare, particularly through self-reporting mechanisms, to help track and monitor … Read More